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We have sold and installed in Turkey numerous forging presses, furnaces, transfer machines, shotblasting machines, sawing machines, trimming presses, assembling machines, auotomation and test applications, packaging lines, cold drawing and peeling lines for steel and brass bars for the automotive, cutlery, saucepan, scissors, water and gas valves, fittings, hydro-thermo sanitary sectors for steel, brass, bronze and aluminum materials. We provide continous technical service to our customers.

Please contact us in order to get our complete references list.

Dimas Makine

© Dimas Italian Machinery International Ltd.

Dimas Makine is the official representative of M.T. Zanetti - FPM Group - ZD Zobbio - Farm Brass - Pagnoni - Sala - GFT Automazioni - Cogeim Europe - GFT Automazioni - SAS Engineering - Metaltecnica - GWM Tech - AEB Torneria - Cemastir (AMA Universal-Delfino) - Tamburini - Bonomi Acciai - Nesi Macchine in Turkey.