Total power 10 - 20 Kw
Overall dimensions 2500x2000x3000 mm
Weight approx. 7000 - 8000 Kg
Reverse spindles vertical axis CNC turning machine for turning of shorts pieces, simples or complexes, by automatic machining cycle and optimized loading – unloading systems.
Possibility of machining two faces of the same piece in full automatic cycle;
Possibility of machining two differents pieces (for double spindle version).
It is possible to fit milling / drilling modules and fixed tools on the machine frame for complementaries operations.
Minimal lubrication system of the tools.
Maximum precision and productivity by using of linear motor or rotary turrets up to 12 powered positions.
Compact and rigid machine frame including components and the electric cabinet.
The machine frame is siutable for hard turning machining.
Electrospindle dimensioned for high speed and short machining (up to 1000 cycles/h).
Thermic control of electrospindle by water cooling unit.
Loading – unloading of pieces in two indipendent feeding, to double the production efficiency of the machine.
Pc – user interface by Windows XP operative system.
Chips conveyor system.
Electronic tools wear and brake control system
Possibility to connect the machine with internet or modem, for remote assistance and diagnosis.
EXAMPLES OF APPLICATIONS: turning flanges – bearings rings – gears.